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Musical Rival
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About Us
rate card   We produce high quality videos to promote your Bar, Restaurant, Resort and Entertainment business.

Our marketing videos invite new customers to your establishment by creating a memorable video story that intrigues and entertains the viewer.

With over 40 years for storytelling and media promotion experience, our writers, producers and marketing specialists know how to target a audience looking for your services.

Our set lighting techniques and use of multiple Sony High Definition Cameras, produces a three minute broadcast quality video to capture the viewers attention.

We use state-of-art studio editing equipment and special effects to add that "Million Dollar" look to your video production.

Let us create a Marketing Video that looks more like a Movie than a Commercial. We Create it, Produce it and Promote it on Radio, TV, Print and the Web. We are a full service Video Production Company.


Watch our videos SIP   and   Musical Rival   and  Production Hub  and  SIP on Vimeo

Sunset Island Productions is a video production company.
MasterWorks is the Trade Mark (tm) of Sunset Island Productions llc
S I P Masterworks, an operation of the recording group of Sunset Island Productions llc.

Copyright © 1996-2019 Sunset Island Productions llc. All rights reserved.

Cinematograph Producers Association of the Caribbean (1999-2009)
Member of the Independent Filmmaker Project Organization (
Jim Leonard - Executive Producer Director Writer (